Over 100 members and friends of our Group gathered in the local community centre to celebrate success and to say a HUGE THANK YOU to their many sponsors, helpers and colleagues. Over a beautifully prepared and lovingly served buffet DONNA JENKINS the Group Chairman, conducted a brilliantly delivered and very cheerful awards ceremony. On hand to present the trophies, rosettes and prizes was Ed Bracher the Chef Executive of RDA. Ed, who knows the Group well as RDA National office team spend time there as volunteers side-walking. How apt that he was able to see riders and volunteers being recognised for their achievements.
It was a special event also for BERYL SAINSBURY at 95 years young she was delighted to see the Group she started 48 or so years ago is still striving. “Oh I started up Stratford many years ago as I was a Physiotherapist working there. My consultant Mr Gallagher simply said, “I think this idea of using a horse for therapy is a really good one, you are going to start a Group”. “Am I?!” I exclaimed, “but I just had to get on with it”. Well as the Group approaches 50 years old, I am thrilled that we have helped so many to gain self confidence, to improve their health and to enjoy the fun of riding.”
Also on hand with beaming smiles was RITA KIMBERGER, Zone Chair of the Lions Club of Banbury clutching and very pleased to hand over a giant cheque for £600 raised following a Fun Ride in the September. Alison and Sonia two sponsors of the group from the Warwickshire Ladies Keep Fit presented a cheque for £300 raised by their lady participants, “because they simply love to support what the Group does for so many folk to get and keep fit on horse – back”.
- Waiting for awards
- Rosanne & Sally
- Puffin & Val
- Sasha, Liz & Lisa
- Jo & Chris
- Amazing buffet!
- Neil
- Anna
- Tom & Liz Hales
- Donna & Heather
Karen Arnold, the Group Coach, was masterful in getting the award recipients to say a little of what they had achieved and huge applause rang out at the mention of riders who now achieve a canter stride with their various ponies. Star of the show, who could not be there as he was tucked up in his box, was BADGER the most popular horse in the Group. BADGER was a gift some 4 years ago from Tom and Liz HALES who “simply love the Group and what it delivers for our community”. Tom and Liz presented their new award for the highest achiever at Countryside Challenge to Jo PRATT recognising the special achievement in the Warwickshire Fun Day in July.
- Jack
- Sasha
- Anna
- Matthew
- Arthur
- Lewis
- Jo P
- Tom & Liz Hales
- Simon
- Charlotte
- Neil
- Peter
- Issy
- Harrison
- Jessica
- Lewis Sasha & Jack
- Ellis
- Louis
Recognising the hard work, dedication and commitment of the volunteer was a special feature of the ceremony. Awards were presented to around 10 volunteers some of whom have gained YELA Bronze and Silver certificates, others the Over and Above award
- Jan & Sue
- Donna, presenting to Christine
and a special mention was given to HAZEL WEST whose dedication and commitment was recognised by the RDA Silver Jubilee Award for 25 years service to RDA. “Without people like you whose enthusiasm is infectious we could not do what we do.
- Thank you Hazel
- Surprised!
This year we have provided a new record of 1010 rides a massive achievement,” added Donna, again drowned out by a crescendo of applause and calls of delight. Father Christmas then was called and welcomed with his sack of presents for the riders. What a great afternoon amongst a band of vibrant, enthusiastic and committed fellows who very proudly call themselves “TEAM STRATFORD”, and what a great Team they are!
Here is the full list of the 2016 Stratford upon Avon RDA award recipients:
Tracey Perks (nee Clarke) – Consistently tries hard – Neil Cox
Neil Hancock – Very good progress – Louis Thomas with special rosette to Arthur Duggan
Mary Hughes – Fortitude & Perseverance – Lewis Tandy
Heather Rhead – Confidence – Harrison Oldrey
Pauline Richards – Meet the Challenge – Matthew Anderson
Claudia Paul – Determination – Ellis Thomas
Claudia Paul award for being a ‘daredevil’ – Anna Harper
Jack Showjumping award for highest mark overall at Qualifiers – Charlotte Seager with special Rosette to Jack Tandy
Countryside Challenge award for the highest mark overall at Qualifiers or Fun Day – A new award this year donated and presented by Tom & Liz Hales – Jo Pratt
South – most improved Adult rider – Peter Colby
Liz Jackson award – most improved junior rider – A new award this year presented by Simon Jackson – Scarlett Lee Lewis
Congratulations to our riders who attained RDA Proficiency Riding and Horse Care Awards the certificates and badges they have received during the year namely
Jules Reed and Peter Colby who received their Grade 2 Riding & Horsecare last January
Grade 1 Riding and Horse Care
Ellis Thomas
Louis Thomas
Issy Whitehouse
And Grade 2 Riding
Sasha Simmonet
Jack Tandy
Lewis Tandy
Endeavour Certificates
Neil, Jo, Jules, Jo White, & Anna for Carriage Driving at Clwyd
Scarlett Lee Lewis – for learning leg aids to ask Marco to walk on
Jessica Mann – for achieving independent balance and consistently holding handle.
Stratford RDA Achievement Award – Sasha Simmonet – for his great results at his first ever time at the RDA National Championships – 2nd in the combined Dressage and Countryside Challenge
Volunteer Awards nominated by our Trustees and Committee
Boris – always willing – Jan Beattie
Young Volunteer – Toby Cripps
Volunteer Over & Above Certificates
Christine Elliott
Gail Reynolds
Sue Molyneaux Warner
Ann Snowden
Max Lloyd-Thomas
Young Volunteers – Alice Delaney, Toby Cripps and Lulu Oyambu who have completed their Young Equestrian Leaders Bronze Award (YELA) and Alice Hanson who has achieved her YELA Silver award.
Silver Jubilee Award
Our final certificate goes to a special lady who has been volunteering with the RDA for 25 years and has been an invaluable and dedicated member of our Group not only as a session helper but also the lady who opened up her home to host our Adult Rider Summer lunch and Christmas parties for so many years. She has always been an amazing advocate to the Group and has held various fundraisers and used her powers of persuasion to gain tremendous support and not just financially. We all wish we had your energy.
For 25 years of volunteering with RDA – Hazel West – Thank you so much to you all for your commitment to RDA.
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