One of our rider’s sons, David, and his group of friends, Kim, Joe, Josh, Lauren, Chris and Matthew raised a staggering £880 last Saturday at the Charity Car Wash they organised on our behalf. What a fantastic achievement! Well done to everyone!
In the forecourt of the Londis shop in Lower Quinton, they washed over 40 cars, held a raffle and sold cakes. At one stage there was a traffic jam of waiting customers! Thank you so much to the team, who are now continuing their training for the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ which they are walking to raise more funds for our Group. A special ‘thank you’ also goes to Raj and his family who run the Londis shop, who kept the team topped up with food and drink, provided raffle prizes and the use of their forecourt, electricity and water. They almost disappeared under a sea of suds!!
If you would like to sponsor the team for their ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ please click here. Sponsor the Team
- The team ‘in action’
- Kim selling the raffle tickets
- Josh, David, Kim and Joe (4 of the ‘Team’)
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