Archie & Evie have completed more ‘Acts of Kindness’ towards their goal of 100 for Beryl’s 100 for 100 challenge. They have completed 67 Acts of Kindness so far including:
– making and delivering a lot of cupcakes to random houses
– giving out bundles of home grown rhubarb to passers by
– giving meals to the homeless
– doing another litter pick
– sponsoring a worker bee (who they named Beryl)
They have had a very busy few weeks, finished school and been away on holiday, but they’re ready to complete 33 more ‘Acts of Kindness’ before Beryl’s birth date – 18th September! An amazing effort! Go Archie & Evie!
If you would like to follow the blog, beryl100for100.wordpress.com or be kind enough to donate: www.donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/beryl100for100
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