Another happy afternoon with Fi & Reuben enjoying their time with Alfie & Kiera – and we even missed the showers- well mostly!
The pictures below speak for themselves.
Once again our volunteers showed adaptability and innovation, as we made some changes to enhance our riders experience; offering tack cleaning & changing the location slightly. Thanks again to Des and Rosemary for being so accommodating! Unfortunately the maximum “6 persons from any household” restricts the number of volunteers we are able to have at the sessions, and indeed on the yard, at any one time.
We’re grateful to those who come along, help set up & prepare the ponies and then leave when riders arrive, ensuring we keep within the guidelines. We’re conscious that, as well as riders, there are also volunteers who are keen to see our ponies again & get their horsey-fix. Jill & Karen are making arrangements to begin inviting people to the stables shortly, within the current guidelines. Hopefully the six person restriction will be eased before too long.
Finally, we received this lovely message from Pat, following Fi’s visit yesterday,
“My sincere thanks to all who enabled this afternoon to happen. The impact it has made on both Fionnghuala and myself is immeasurable. It was so lovely to see you all again and the sun dutifully shone. Onwards and upwards. Very positive feedback from Fi ‘s support workers and me. Don’t think you could have done anything better. Wonderful reintroduction to what we all realise may well be a fairly long time in the future. Take care all of you and Keep safe. Look forward to better times ahead But in meantime lovely photo footage to remind Fi. Thanks again to all of the team Alfie looked superb. Pat x”
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