A momentous moment! The Group have just posted their Annual Return to RDA National and we have given 1000 rides this year to 39 riders. We could not have done this without our loyal volunteers, sponsors and supporters so a big thank you to everyone for helping us with this amazing achievement! The pictures say it all!
- I’m first – so emotional!
- Lewis so pleased
- How many rosettes Holly?
- First – Matt cant believe it!
- Happy Leo
- Through the water!
- Quick breather on the railway
- This is fun!
- Harrison delighted!
- Such a good girl
- Waiting to tack up!
- Well done lads!
- I’ve done it!
- Top marks Sasha – well done!
- Arthur – great result!
- Henry – look what I’ve got!
- Well done all of you
- How pleased?
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