When you think that the amazing people at Stratford RDA can’t possibly give or do anymore, they do! On Thursday the 23rd of May they made dreams come true!
Our gorgeous son Leo rides with the group on Thursdays, but his ride this Thursday has etched a memory in our minds and hearts that will stay with us forever.
The team made it possible for Ella, Leo’s 13 year old sister who rides regularly, to hack out with her brother, something that up until now they had only dreamt of doing and believed impossible.
- Off they go!
- Lovely day for a ride!
- Such happy faces!
Watching my children ride Kiera and Alfie, through a beautiful wood, carpeted with bluebells and cow parsley, dappled in warm sun light and in completely safe hands is a sight I will never forget and an experience we are truly grateful for.
Thank you to all at Stratford RDA for making precious unforgettable moments.
The Burbidge’s X
It’s what you can do that counts! and the people that you are doing it with that make all the difference.
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