It’s been a busy few days behind the scenes at the stables, ensuring our ponies are kept in the best possible condition for our riders. It’s often a difficult time of year as the ponies sense Spring is on the way, although wet weather & poor ground conditions, can mean restricted turnout. Fortunately our ponies are able to benefit from alternative exercise, including hacking, schooling and long-reining, with our volunteers. As they spend more time in the stable, those ponies with heavier coats require clipping, to keep them cool & comfortable. Fortunately, they’re very patient and generally don’t mind having a haircut!

Our ponies are supported by a team of professionals, including vets, farrier etc & recently they enjoyed one of their regular physio sessions. As well as treating any issues, the physio suggests regular exercises we can do to maintain our ponies’ strength & suppleness. We’re very fortunate to have volunteers who generously give their time to assist managing our ponies, ensuring they are physically & temperamentally safe & suitable for our activities. Thank you all.
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