Celebrations started in earnest at the stables today with everyone getting into the spirit. Our ponies were dressed with red ribbons and Union Jacks, hats were dressed with red, white and blue and Hazel even brought her bear with his marmalade sandwich! Chris wore a crown and The Queen was much amused by all the goings on with our riders enjoying the Jubilee themed sessions and everyone sharing yummy cakes and drinks.
There is much to celebrate – not just the Platinum Jubilee but these past weeks see:-
- Chris and Lisa return to regular weekly riding sessions.
- Our first new rider since pre-pandemic time – Taylor, starts on Tuesday. Another significant milestone in our post-covid recovery and growth.
- Kiera is being re-introduced to sessions. This will be a gradual process, but it’s good to have her back sharing the workload with the other ponies. (Thank you to everyone involved in her rehabilitation.)
- And we delivered an amazing 92 activities in May – by far the highest monthly since re-starting and comparable to our average monthly pre-covid activity levels.
It’s been a long haul, but none of this could have happened without the flexible, resilient, creative and positive mindset of everyone involved with our Group – with the focus always on providing the best possible experiences for our riders.
Happy Volunteers week and a big Thank You to you all for keeping the Team Stratford spirit thriving.

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