On the first day of the Champs, Isabella riding her own pony Cookie stole the Judge’s heart and rode a lovely clear round in Grade 2 Showjumping scoring 83% and was placed 2nd. To mark 10 years of Showjumping within RDA, judges Sally O’Neil and Mike Butcher presented her with a cup for the new RDA Showjumping Rider Award to commend the best combination from all the showjumping classes and the equine that they would most like to take home!
Sadly, Isabella missed the presentation as she was then taking part in the SEIB Showing class. By this time the heat had risen and Cookie decided he was almost ready for a sleep! However, his preparation by Isabella’s team including her groom Britt, and friend Hannah, helped her to secure a sterling 5th place.
The next day, it was hotter still, but thankfully Isabella and Cookie were recovered and ready to compete again. This time Isabella entered in the Grade 4 Dressage class, scoring a high 70.75% and placed 2nd. (She missed 1st by just 0.5%!) Her rosette was presented by Emma Wells, Trustee of RDA and a participant.
An amazing couple of days. Well done to ‘Team Isabella’ from all of us at Stratford RDA.
Due to adverse weather conditions the Sunday classes were cancelled. A wise decision, but a disappointment to our riders, Harry, Heather and Charlotte, who had qualified to enter the Countryside Challenge classes and were looking forward to competing. Hopefully, another opportunity will come their way in the future.
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