Archie & Evie have been busy over half term with their Beryl’s 100for100 challenge. They have now completed 37 Acts of Kindness.
A few of the things they have done recently are :
– dedicated a tree in Beryl’s memory in the Heart of England Forest
– Evie made and wrote cards to the residents of care homes which she sent off to different ones around the country
– they have delivered chocolates and sunflower plants to random houses
– left a box of toys at the front of the house for people to help themselves too
– donated food and toiletries to children in poverty for half term.

They are such an inspirational pair! We have already been contacted by a few people who have been touched by their gifts. Such a lovely way to commemorate Beryl, who would have been so proud of them sharing kindness to others as are we. Well done both!
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