- A very chuffed Arthur
- 1st time Harry gets a 1st!
- Arthur very pleased with his 2nd
- Well done Jo! 3rd place!
- Neil beaming at his 1st!
Our enthusiastic gang of volunteers were ready and waiting to greet Badger & Marco as they came off the lorry at Lowlands. Although he’d been a little reluctant to leave his girlfriend, Kiera, at the stables, Badger soon brightened up when he realized he’d arrived at a party!
Competing against riders from 3 other Groups, everyone took part in the Handy Rider course, with some high scoring rounds. In the junior class Louis focussed well on his round on Marco, providing a running commentary on his progress round the course and completing all the activities with enthusiasm. He was rewarded with a well-deserved 5th rosette. In the junior unled class it was success for first timer Harry on Badger. His steering and good rising trot meant he scored a brilliant 81% to win the class -an amazing debut performance. Our star performer in the senior section was Neil, riding Badger. First to go, Neil kept his cool and completed a super round, showing good control to score a magnificent 88% and winning the class. He was closely followed in 2nd place by Arthur, also on Badger, Arthur concentrated hard throughout the course and required little assistance from his helpers. He showed good steering round the duck pond and a nice trot. Jo and Marco enjoyed their round, and with support of her helpers, achieved 3rd place.
All our riders also successfully took part in a “clear round” showjumping class – proving their control, off the lead rein, to steer round a course of poles. Everyone showed good skills in the activity and were awarded rosettes for showing the correct approach and forward position.
A special mention to our teams of helpers, who give our riders so much confidence and sense of achievement, by allowing them enough time to perform each activity and letting them do as much as possible themselves.
Neil proved his knowledge of grooming and looking after ponies by taking part in the stable management quiz and coming 2nd in the advanced Grade 2 section -another massive achievement.
The busy day was rounded off with a picnic and riders were presented with their rosettes. Neil was absolutely delighted to receive the Rosemary Stretch Memorial Award, for the best senior handy rider score. Very well deserved and the second year running its been awarded to a Stratford rider. Well done Neil. A wonderful way to celebrate Dad, Dennis’s birthday!
It was lovely to welcome along parents and supporters, to share in the achievement and enjoyment of our riders. Once again our ponies were the subject of admiring comments and both behaved perfectly. Last, but not least, many thanks to all our helpers. Whatever the occasion, Team Stratford swings into action, ensuring our riders have a happy and memorable day. Whether it’s practicing beforehand, cleaning tack, preparing ponies, stewarding at the event or helping with refreshments there’s always willing hands around! Thank you for your time and commitment – it is very much appreciated. Karen, County and Group Coach
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