Having been washed and coiffed the day before, it was an early start for Marco, Kiera & Badger, who were in for a busy day at the RDA Regional Qualifiers at Solihull Riding Club
Pat resembled the Pied Piper, as she showed our riders round the Countryside Challenge, familiarising them with the course in an attempt to calm nerves, especially for our first-timers Sophia, Chris & Leo.
These classes are always very competitive. Our weeks of practising paid off & our riders produced great performances, despite our ponies lapses in behaviour – trying to eat the apples & fidgeting when they should be standing still!! Particular well done to Neil, Chris & Matthew, who were riding independently for the first time in competition. They showed excellent concentration & focus, throughout the course.
Congratulations to Charlotte, Neil, Leo & Chris who all qualified for the National Championships at Hartpury College in July.
Unfortunately, in the dressage arena, Badger was shaking his head, making it difficult for Jo, who nonetheless persevered & rode tactfully to produce some good movements from him.
Fortunately, the ponies redeemed themselves in the Showjumping competition. Judged by former showjumper Geoff Glazzard (those of us over a certain age will recall him riding Penwood Forge Mill), all our riders performed excellent rounds, with scores over 70% & Max top-scoring on 90%!
I’m delighted to report Max, Leo, Chris, Sophia, Neil & Matthew will be representing the Group in the showjumping classes at the Championships – well done!
A great day for everyone involved with the Group – as a lady asked “have you bought lots of riders? There’s Stratford shirts everywhere you look!”.
A huge thankyou to all our helpers for your time, effort & dedication. Whether its accompanying our riders on the day, practising beforehand, tack cleaning, preparing ponies, bringing chocolate flapjack, helping at the event or clearing up afterwards…YOU ARE AMAZING AND IT WOULDN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT YOU!
Karen Arnold – Group Instructor
- Hi Badger!
- Badger at the ready
- Keira and Max – is it lunchtime?
- Smile for the camera!!
- New saddle cloths – how smart?
- Neil – ready for the off!
- keep up Badger!
- Neil – doing well!
- Charlotte ready
- Gate done – what is next?
- Sophia – How good is this?
- Sophia – real apples yum!
- Me and my mate!
- Jo – Im enjoying this!
- Duck!!
- Not as much fun as a pony!
- Lets keep moving!
- Looking good!
- Good steering Leo!
- What a team!
- Catch those eggs!!
- What hill?!!!
- Nearly there!
- Matthew – Through the gate
- 1,2,3 ….
- What ducks!
- Come on Badger – behave!
- Chris – up hill!!
- Walking the course!
- Matthew – Here we go!!
- This has got to be good!
- Im enjoying this!
- Good turnout!
- Finished – I can breath!
- Come on Keira!
- Max – concentrating – light seat!!
- Come on Badger!
- Charlotte – Look Poppa!
- First time entered Sophia
- The smile says it all!
- Look Mum!
- Chris Qualified rosette.
- Great result Max!
- 90% Max – amazing!
- Our instructors – how proud?
- Matthew – look mum!
- Neil – I’ve done it again!
- Sophia in the pink!
- Charlotte all smiles!
- Leo – How many rosettes?
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