Over the past 50 years, our team of fabulous volunteers and amazing horses and ponies have worked tirelessly to provide therapy, achievement and endless fun to many many adults and children with disabilities.
As a celebration of all that we have achieved during that time and all that is still to come, we would be delighted if you would join us at our 50th Anniversary Gala Ball at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Stratford upon Avon on Saturday 22nd September 2018.
As we rely solely on voluntary help, fundraising and donations to deliver our services, your support is vital, so please join us as we celebrate 50 years of outstanding achievements.
Saturday 22nd September 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Stratford upon Avon
6.30pm until midnight
Stratford upon Avon RDA group is in its 50th year and to celebrate the event we are holding a Gala Ball.
Tickets: £65pp to include drink on arrival, 3 course dinner and wine on table. Dancing until midnight
Tickets are available by contacting Donna at: [email protected] or 07818 413107
Donations of Auction and Raffle prizes will be gratefully received to help us raise funds for the Group on the night.
To download a 50th Anniversary Gala Ball Poster PDF of the event please click the link.
We do hope you will be able to attend.
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