Congratulations to Archie and Evie, who have completed 102 Acts of Kindness for the Beryl 100 for 100 Challenge just in time for Beryl’s 100th birthdate on 18th September. The whole family have all had fun thinking of different ways to reach the 100 target and look for opportunities to help people whilst out and about. Over the last few weeks, they have left potted up walnut trees and homemade jam for passers by to help themselves; made chocolate crackle cakes and delivered to random houses, gifted something from 3 strangers’ Amazon Wish Lists and attached £1 coins to biscuits and cakes in Morrisons, so someone could have them for free. Archie has loved giving out sunflowers whilst out walking and Evie has enjoyed baking cup cakes to leave on peoples’ doorsteps. What an inspirational way of bringing joy to peoples’ lives. How Beryl would have loved hearing their heart-warming story. They hope to continue to do some of the things they have most enjoyed. Thank you both from everyone you have touched with your kindness.
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